Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ragnarok Openkore Macro #1 Auto Buff ( Priest )

Blessing , Increase Agility , Impostio Manus , Assumptio
automacro buff {
console /\[dist=(.*)\] (.*) \((\d+)\): (\*Flag\s\d\*|buff)$/
run-once 1
call {
$distance = $.lastMatch1
$namaPlayer = $.lastMatch2
$playerID = $.lastMatch3
$playerguild = @eval (exists $::players{$::playersID[$playerID]}->{guild} ? $::players{$::playersID[$playerID]}->{guild}{name} : 'null')
$guild1 = YOURGuildNameHere
$guild2 = YOURGuildNameHere
$player1 = YOURPlayerNameHere
$player2 = YOURPlayerNameHere
if ($playerguild == $guild1) goto buf
if ($playerguild == $guild2) goto buf
if ($namaPlayer == $player1) goto buf
if ($namaPlayer == $player2) goto buf
goto no
do sp 34 $playerID 10
do sp 29 $playerID 10
do sp 66 $playerID 5
do sp 361 $playerID 5
goto end
do e ??
goto end
release buff

Put this on your macros.txt and run the openkore. To use this just type "buff" near the bot.


  1. He's not buffing me and he's emo is just /??
    help whith this please

    1. what? he's emo? hahaha that made me laugh dude XD
